Virtual surgery


Virtual Surgery sounds very futuristic and in many ways it is, It allows the doctors here at Dentaris to “Virtualy perform” the Implant surgery you need without ever seeing you in person!

Wow! I am sure your thinking, well this is how important Dentaris takes your Dental implant needs and with the evolution and advancements in dentistry and Imaging with a complete 3D scan taken of your head and sent to us here by mail or email. (we can also arrange this here in Cancun.) This scan will allow our team of Clinicians views of your entire mouth, even sequences like pages in a book. They can view your images from any angle and in different magnifications, to see the relationships between bones, teeth, airways, nerves and tissues. We then plan or evaluate your treatment and this in turns allows them to see where the Implants will be best and most effectively placed. This can be used from Single implants all the way through to complete Full mouth Rehabilitations. Once the doctors have examined your case they will then proceed to “Virtually” place the implants into the scan of your Mouth showing the exact angle of each Implant, the individual size of each implant and amount needed.

And so this eliminates (at best) the possibility of any unwanted surprises when a patient visits us here to undertake the procedures and other Oral rehabilitation work in Cancun, and to start their dental treatments with a clear aim and objective. These Virtual surgeries and Scans allow the doctors to check if the are any additional treatments or unseen complications and if there would be a clinical need for Bone grafts or Sinus elevations and other factors that can change the course or outcome of often complex dental treatments.



What we try to impress upon our current patients and especially our prospective patients is that without a Complete scan, no specialist should attempt to place any type of implant, Even with Panoramic X-rays which are a great tool but can only show limited details are not the best source of true information for the doctor to confidently place any Implant.
With the Virtual Surgery the doctor will have a very real and structured idea of what you need, There is minimal confusion before any treatments starts, and with this Information we can confidently:

Offer you multiple treatment options
List the treatments you are in need of
Price the treatments individually so you can budget your money
Breakdown the Times needed for the treatments allowing for return visits to be budgeted
And importantly allow an accurate Outcome to be offered to you

All of this completed from the comfort of your home, no back and forth to dental offices. With all of this Information you can more confidently weigh up the costs and times to suit you, and ultimately see if it will make financial sense to travel and will we hope in some way help to ease the anxiousness of not knowing what you need and what can be done.

We happily Invite you to contact us to see how we can help perform a Virtual Surgery on your case and offer the very best Dental Implant solutions to you here in Cancun.

Virtual Surgery Planning stage of Patient A January 2014

Virtual Surgery Planning stage of Patient A January 2014

Panoramic of Patient A after Surgical placement of Implants using the Virtual Surgery as a Guide

Panoramic of Patient A after Surgical placement of Implants using the Virtual Surgery as a Guide