Dental implants in Cancun FAQ

As part of our VIP (Very Important Patient) Service Package during your Dental implant treatments here with Dentaris you will be given the following.

  • A complete clinical evaluation including x-rays, impressions, personalized treatment plan,
  • Transportation
  • Hotel help
  • Dedicated patient liaison / coordinators all whom speak fluent English will be at hand to be your guide.
  • A Mobile Phone with credit and a 24 hour  assistance number   
  • We will work with your current dentist / healthcare provider so we can make sure you are getting the best help, treatments and information and communication is fluid, and that they know you are dealing with professionals.
  • Help with any Insurance Paperwork.
  • Regular Follow up checks and calls.
  • Costs around 50% + less Than the same in Canada and the United States
  • USB with all work completed and costs as well as care instructions, Important information, Scan images.

(all subject to availability and pre arrangement)

This is a very common question we receive from our patients prior to any surgery and with quiet confidence the answer is no.

The Majority of Implant procedures performed at Dentaris have patients noting little pain with only slight discomfort and tenderness as signs of the completed procedures having been done, medications will be prescribed before or after the Implants are placed. Due to the use of Virtual Surgery and the skill of the Clinicians the treatments are precise and heal quicker.

Our staff will present you with a leaflet that informs a patient who has just had surgery the best ways to care and look after their new Smile and or surgical areas for the following weeks. It goes without saying that a rigorous oral hygiene plan has be put into place and followed. As well as advice on the best diets and food types to eat during the healing period to give you the very best chance of recovering quicker. There will also be a list of the certain habits and activities that should be avoided, up to and including Physical excerscise, smoking, heavy drinking, all of which can be detrimental to the success of the Implants and treatments in general. If there are any medications prescribed by the doctors they must be (in cases of Antibiotics, be followed as instructed.) Pain is not something a patient normally associates ith these types of treatments but a little discomfort can be treated with anti inflammatories.

Here at Dentaris we enjoy extremely high success rates when treating single and multiple dental implants. The reason that most Dental Implants can fail (in any clinic) are due to a patients lifestyle choices. If a patient does not follow the list of recommendations given by the specialists after Implants are placed the chances of failure can dramaticaly rise.

E.G. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, recreational drug use and not following the antibiotics (if prescribed.) What it basicaly comes down to is how commited a patient is to the success of their treatments. We will provide the very best tools and doctors to perform your treatments but after the surgery it will be up to you the patient to do the rest.

In today's world, our need for strict and rigerous Infection control has never been greater. Dentists, their staff and patients are more acutely aware and concerned about the transmission of infection than ever before. Controlling contamination through sterilization has long been considered the most essential component in the infection control process and vital to patient safety. And you are thinking of becoming a Dental Tourist, things like being in a different country, different rules?

Now you are researching your options, which is not only a great idea but invaluable to ensuring you receive the very highest standards of care and hygiene. Dentists and Medical professionals are required by law to sterilize their instruments to protect both patients and practitioners from possible infectious diseases. We here at Dentaris want to ensure that you as a dental tourist and more importantly a Patient of ours know that we, as a professional establishment follow and observe strict sterilization practices to meet with the sterilization, infection prevention and control. OSHA.
We follow these 7 Steps:

Step 1 – Transport Instruments and Handpieces to Steri-Center
Contaminated instruments and handpieces should be transported to the processing area in a way that minimizes the risk of exposure to staff, patients and the environment.

Step 2 – Sort Instruments and Handpieces - Dispose of Waste Properly

Separate the reusable instruments from the disposables and remove the handpieces for sterilization. Disposable instruments should be properly disposed of and not sterilized for reuse.

Step 3 – Instruments: Soak and Ultrasonically Clean Instruments

To minimize the risk of personnel injury, instruments should be cleaned with a hands-free mechanical process such as an ultrasonic cleaner or instrument washer prior to sterilization. Ultrasonic cleaning is the preferred process

Step 4 – Instruments: Rinse with Clean Water and Dry Instruments

After being ultrasonically cleaned, the instruments should be rinsed in clean water, and in certain situations, in distilled water. Then, dry the instruments before packaging by either allowing them to air dry, by patting them down or through the use of an instrument dryer.

Step 5 – Pouch or Wrap Instruments
In order to prevent instrument recontamination, it is important to package items since placement of unwrapped sterilized instruments in a contaminated drawer, tray or other receptacle undermines the purpose of infection control.

Step 6 – Sterilize and Dry Instruments

There are a variety of different sterilization methods including steam sterilization (known as “autoclaving” or “moist heat under pressure”),

Step 7 – Store in a Dry, Protected Area
Sterilized instruments should be stored in a clean, dry and protected place that has minimal airflow. Instruments should not be stored unpackaged as this will cause them to become contaminated from hands and airborne microorganisms when doors or drawers are opened. instruments should remain packaged until they are required for a procedure and the packaging should be inspected prior to use of the instruments to assure the packaging is in tact. If the sterile barrier (packaging) has been punctured or gotten wet, the instruments should be re-sterilized before using them on a patient.

For more information simply fill out the contact form.