Bone grafting treatment in Cancun

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I have been told I need bone grafts?
Do i need bone grafts for my dental Implants?
Where do you get the bone for Bone grafts?

When the patient has bone deficiencies the doctor can use bone (the patients, or synthetic) to graft the ares of need in order to create a more substantial and solid surface to place Implants at a later date.

There are four types of bone in the human face and the length of treatment for placing and restoring implants depends on which type of bone the implant is placed in, Implants need to integrate with the surrounding bone before the treatment can be completed.

Type I bone is comparable to oak wood, which is very hard and dense. 5 months integration

Type II bone is comparable to pine wood, which isn't as hard as type I. This type of bone usually takes 4 months to integrate with an implant.

Type III bone is like balsa wood, which isn't as dense as type II. Since the density isn't as great as type II, it takes more time to "fill in" and integrate with an implant. 6 months

Type IV bone is comparable to styrofoam, which is the least dense of all of the bone

It is very important to remember that the correct procedures that are applied and time invested will be creating the best possible environment for the successful placement of your Dental Implants.


7 days is recommended with 2 appointments after initial consultation and the doctors recommendations. The second stage will depend on the doctors diagnosis of your situation but will normally be anywhere from 6 months upwards

Would you like to know more about this procedure and the significant improvement it can have on your life? simply fill out the contact form and we will do the rest