Affordable dental tourism Mexico


What initially was considered a gamble that only the desperate or the brave took, Dental Tourism or a Dental Vacation has become an unstoppable force for good (In the Majority of cases) with word of mouth stories from family and friends singing the praises of their experiences to the many international facilitators allowing easy access and information to a Service industry that now counts All Nationalities who are actively seeking High Quality yet Cost effective dental treatments.

Dental Tourists as they have become affectionately known have transformed the Medical landscape of Mexico, Cancun and other larger Resort towns. Where as many years ago people would not have thought about traveling to a Country like Mexico for such a reasons, Vacations yes! Famous for many things such as mouth watering cuisine, Beautiful beaches, rich and diverse History and a Vibrant and friendly people, but Medical treatments not so much.

That has all changed and with the positive encouragement and help of local government authorities and agencies along with hospitals and clinics investing much time and resources in to reaching out, informing and performing to those people that are in need, Cancun has become the Capital of Affordable yet Professional Dental Clinics.

It really can be such a worthwhile and Positive experience to Combine a vacation & a Visit to the Dentist. It may sound a miss matched idea but with American and Canadians seeking out more Cost effective and affordable options to meet their health needs Mexico and Cancun in Particular is the number one Destination for High Quality and Affordable dental treatments.


“Is it more Affordable “
Yes it certainly is and usually when more than 1 treatment is needed and can be as much as 60%
“Are the Dentists Qualified”
Yes being a fact We can offer the skills of some of the most Experienced and Qualified Dental Specialists in Quintana Roo.

“Is there a Language barrier “
Absolutely not, All specialists, support staff speak English.
“How Long will it take”
This depends on your treatment needs but we will try to gather enough information to your case so we can offer a realistic time (usually between 7 – 10 days)
“How long have you been Involved in Dental Tourism”
The clinics have operated for over 23 years and have been involved with Dental Tourism and Dental Vacations / Dental Tourists / patients for over 5 years when the doctors were sought out and recommended to people visiting Cancun.
“Why should I choose you”
The level of Expertise and Experience of our affiliated dental clinicians combined with fantastic patient service from dedicated patient support that strives to exceed all our patients expectations, Combined with Affordability we let our patients speak for us.

The very simple fact is that people are looking for more Cost effective dentistry in Mexico , That is the Principal reason for nearly all of our American and Canadian patients. And while Affordable costs are what is on offer in Mexico it should not be the only reason you choose a Dental Clinic.

The treatments you are looking for not matter how minor are directly linked to your health, appearance and Quality of life, So focusing on the correct doctor and clinic is extremely important.


At Dental Destinations Cancun Dentaris we believe the least expensive dentistry is dentistry that is done right the first time round, with Qualified, Experience professionals using quality materials in the manner that will last a lifetime. You’re not saving money if you have to pay for it twice.

So when looking for a Dental Clinic to perform your Dental treatments – Follow these Simple 5 Rules:

Check Credentials – If a doctor and clinic promotes that they are specialists in specific dental fields ask for them to show their Credentials / Certificates and Qualifications. Not just courses or memberships but Black and White Printed official Qualifications.

Previous Work – Ask to see previous work undertaken by the doctor. Any committed doctor will be able to show you a variety of their work. Photos can work well and beautiful Smiles and dramatic before and afters do look remarkable – That is down to the laboratory work, the work underneath (that is not always visible is just as important)

Contact previous patients – Ask to be put in contact with some of the clinics previous patients (usually one that has had the same treatments you are in need of) Ask them their experience, overall thoughts and a big question “would they do it again!”

Research – Become Sherlock Holmes for a few minutes – There is not much you cannot find on Google.

Seeing is Believing - Nothing short of sitting in the clinic and talking face to face with your dentist is going to be good enough: But speaking on the phone to the doctor, Skype calls and even a pre treatment visit could really help you make a well informed decision.

Types of Dental Vacationer

dental vacation mexico

There are 3 types of Dental Vacationer ~ Dental Tourism Mexico:

The Combined Dental / Take advantage vacationer ~ These are people that have already have a Vacation planned and booked and is the main reason for traveling, and while on vacation decide to combine that time with getting some dental work completed. Often not major work usually cleanings, whitening’s Crowns and fillings. This works well as with smaller treatments it may not make sense to travel solely for those types of dental procedures. But while here they take the advantage and combine because of the easy accessibility and lower costs.

The Planned dental vacationer ~ These types of Dental Vacationers are usually the people who have been told they are in need of extensive work or a wanting treatments that are just to costly from their usual healthcare provider and are seeking Affordable, Reputable dentists in Mexico to meet their requirements. These type of patients travel specifically for the dentistry and make this the priority, and of course get to enjoy the time between appointments with a relaxing Vacation while still saving money.

The accidental Dental Vacationer ~ These type of Patients are the ones who find themselves in a accident or pain during their Vacation, They had no plans on visiting a dental clinic but for whatever reason need to find a reputable and knowledgeable dental clinic to take care of their dental emergency.

If you have ever suffered from tooth pain you know it can completely ruin your day (and especially a well deserved Vacation) So usually this type of patient seeks immediate and quick fix solutions so they can complete their Vacation pain free and will seek out more work when they return home. You could be anyone of these Dental Vacationers ~ We want to help you be prepared to receive the most cost effective and professional standards of care and service in Cancun, Mexico.

Genuine Dental Tourism patient story
A patient I helped arranged treatments here in Cancun traveled with her Husband, 2 Sons for a week, This lady did not need extensive work, needing 3 Crowns, 2 Root Canals and posts and a Onlay: In Texas her Quote (which she brought with her) was for nearly 8000 usd and requiring a minimum of 6 visits spanning over 7 weeks. Compare that to the same treatments here in Cancun performed by a specialist costing less than 3000 dollars in 3 appointments over 7 days she was able to find a great flight and hotel package for the whole family a well deserved family vacation and still saved nearly 3000 usd. The work performed was to a standard met by any leading dental clinic, the care and support provided in her words “ Fantastic” and her down time spent with her family relaxing ~ No rushing between lunch breaks, multiple visits and added time and expense. Patients who need more complex Oral rehabilitations and Full Smile Rejuvenations save even more time and money.

I cannot Afford it ~ This is the biggest reason that I come across and sadly is a too common reason but there are options available, medical loans, Certain Insurance, Try to put the need in to context ~ Your Smile, health and well being will be around a lot longer that that Expensive Phone, handbag, Car etc.

INVEST IN YOURSELF ~ It is the one investment that does not lose Value over time. So if you have thought about traveling for your dental needs and find yourself looking for excuses and reasons to put it off ~ Print this off and read it everyday to help keep your Health, Appearance and bank balance in the best shape possible.


Here are some Important points | Hints | Tips and Suggestions that we think for those who are planning to travel for Dental treatments is to read. These can help make you more prepared and makes sure there are no unexpected surprises while you are here ~ Leaving you to be able to focus on your Dental transformation and Vacation.

Travel with a friend or family member ~ It is not nice to be away from home and going through any type of dentistry if you have no one to spend time with between appointments. Also if you are looking at complex surgeries it is always advisable to have someone who can help you and be a good source of support and company.

Include your current dental Provider ~ This can sometimes be a subject that a lot of patients do not like to bring up with their current healthcare provider, but we really believe (and have seen) that if the provider works with us, it can be really beneficial for them, and to us here in Cancun and most importantly you the patient. We can work together and make sure you the patient receives the very best personalized care.

Take out Travel Insurance ~ This is self explanatory but for many travelers and Dental Vacationers tend to overlook this basic necessity when visiting a foreign Country and while we will do our up most to ensure your Dental Vacation to Cancun runs smoothly it is highly recommended to take out appropriate Insurance.

Focus on the Dentistry ~ While you are on Vacation you want the dental work you are paying for to be successful and there is nothing more important than taking the medications as prescribed and following after care instructions. This is the same for any pre treatment requirements (fasting before sedations etc).

Medications ~ If you believe that you will need extremely strong pain medication ~ Bring your own (It is a myth that any pain medication and in particular Opiates are readily available in Mexico)

Make sure your close friends and family are aware of the reasons you are traveling to Cancun ~ Support does help reaffirm and make it a positive step for you.

Be Aware that Treatment plans can change ~ This is not to say they will, and any prior preparation you do before traveling like X-rays, scans treatment plans etc n will significantly lower the chances of this happening, but certain cases after a clinical evaluation may alter slightly in the favor of a more successful treatment Outcome.

Medical History ~ It is very important that you are completely honest and open about your current health and history, This just enables the doctors to work with as much information as possible and elect the best course of treatments for you.

Inform your bank that you will be traveling and making payments for a specific service, It is quite normal for the initial transaction to be declined by a banking institution (Do not panic) It only requires a call to confirm this is authorized by you the Payee. 

Have access to cash (Although not vital when you have access to cards) It is easier to be able to have some cash available in case the need arises for buying medications and any extras This is easy in Cancun where US Dollars and Mexican Pesos are the standard currency. Be aware that when spending Dollars in Mexico your change will always be returned in the denomination of Mexican Pesos.

Confirm the types of payments the clinic accepts ~ It is very often that Personal cheques, and even American Travelers Cheques are no longer accepted in many Mexican businesses due to a change in the Federal laws. If the dates given for your treatments are say 5 days book 7 days, It is always better for you to have maybe a day or so extra to recuperate and if needed any adjustments to be done before traveling back home.

Hotels and accommodations in close proximity to the clinic as this helps with traveling times and places less pressure on yourself if needing to return for multiple visits throughout the procedures.

Time Share ~ There are many hotels that still offer Timeshare presentations or Vacation ownership tours, and for some people they already have timeshares or are interested which is great, But if you are not sure or are not interested Ask.

Excursions and Tours ~ The are a multitude of Activities to do and there is something for every one, But make sure you have the times and dates of appointments arranged with the clinics so there is no confusion or day tours missed due to unforeseen occurrences, We are able to help with finding you tours to suit if needed.

Following these little hints can and will help your Planned Dental Vacation with or without Dental Destinations Cancun with Dentaris a Successful and a Positive Life Changing Experience.